My inspiration for my Innovative Cut project came from x-rayed luggage. I liked the idea of being able to have something both hidden, and on view.
With the x-rayed luggage as a starting point I designed a bag that has it's shape determined by the contents of a typical 'everyday' bag. The various items, such as a phone, wallet, camera, bottle of water, became my pattern pieces - which could then be arranged in any order to provide shape.
The pattern pieces were sewn together and then I filled them with wadding. When they were stuffed they gave the illusion of the contents of the bag being on show. The pieces could be arranged in any order, so the possibilities were almost endless as to the shape of the bag.
I wish my sewing skills were better, I think someone more talented than I could have made the final product to a lot better standard. However, I like my overall concept, and think it's possibly something I can carry through to future projects.